Three Days to Kensho
A Retreat with Genpo Roshi
Kensho, seeing one's True Nature, is the essence and the heart of Zen practice. Few of us are fortunate enough to encounter this treasure of Zen directly and intimately.
In three days participants will be guided on this journey, as described in Dogen Zenji's famous teaching, "The Mountains and Rivers Sutra".
Day 1: First, A mountain is a mountain, a river is a river.
Day 2: Then, There is no mountain and no river.
Day 3: Then, again a mountain is just a mountain and a river is just a river.
First, coming from our everyday mind as it seeks the Way.
Then, transcending the dualistic, we are one with all things.
Finally, returning to ordinary mind, forever transformed.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday : September 27, 28, and 29
7:00am to 9:30am Hawaii Time (HST)
On Zoom
$800 per person