The Big Mind Zen Media Archive

Want to learn about Zen principles and practices on your own?

The Big Mind Zen Media Archive is the culmination of a project started in the 1970's and finally digitized, catalogued, and presented here. It has taken thousands of hours of devoted and skillful efforts by generations of Zen students, and many thousands of dollars, to bring it to life.

New material is being added every week from our ongoing schedule of classes.

The Archive currently consists of over 3,600 Audio and Video recordings of Zen Talks and Big Mind Zen sessions, including talks not only by Genpo Roshi but also many other teachers in the lineage of Taizan Maezumi Roshi, founder of the Los Angeles Zen Center. It provides a unique record of the history of Kanzeon Sangha, and an invaluable resource for current and future Zen students.

Total access to this Archive is one of the many benefits of being in one of our Membership programs. Besides access to all this material you can participate in many of our ongoing classes for free as a member.

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Genpo Now: Short Videos

Our True Self is Behind the Facade

First Take Care of the Chaos Within You

Be a Bodhisattva and an Arhat

Going Deeper with Three Bodhi Minds

We Have to Want to Persevere

You're the Puppeteer Not the Puppet

Posture Breath and Mind

Turn Your Light Inward Reveal Your True Self

The Point is To Question

Big Mind and the Shadows of Spirituality

All Suffering Comes Down to Resisting What Is

Choose What Is

It's Simple but Not Easy

Practice Letting It All Go

We're Giving Ourselves All the Teaching We Need

Owning One's Final Authority

Pointing Out the Perfection of Life

Seeing the Larger Picture

The Art of Aging

What is Pure Practice?

It's Your Mind That's Flapping

Seeing the Emptiness and the Perfection

Sitting is Returning Home

How to Keep Your Practice Alive

The First Perfection is Giving Our Self Away

I've Got A Lot of Work To Do

What We Resist Persists

On Finding Your Gift

When We Don't Fear Death We Don't Fear Life

Koans Are a Direct Experience of Our True Nature

All Paths Are Good But All Fall Short

Great Realization is Just a Heartbeat Away

Allow Yourself To Be Heartbroken

We Can Only Rescue One Starfish At a Time

Heartbreak: What the Buddha Taught

Great Death and the Resurrected Self

Loss and Awakening

Our Greatest Liability Can Be Our Greatest Asset

There is No One Way But There Is Only One Way

Liberating Internal Sentient Beings

What is Great Realization (Dai Kensho)

Turning Our Light Inward is The Way

What Makes For A Great Teacher?

Why Don't You Own That You're Enlightened?

Addressing The Shadows Of The Teachings We've Received

It's Not About Getting Rid Of The Self It's About Owning It

There's Nothing We Have To Judge About Ourself

True Mindfulness is Knowing What Voice You're In

Leap Out of the Dual Into the One

We're So Busy Being Right We Can't Be Happy

What is the Real Reality?

What We're About is the Spirit of Zen

Can We be Free and Care?

Focusing on the Sangha is the Responsibility of the West

Grieving is a Process of Learning to Let Go

Why Are Desires Inexhaustible?

To Study the Self Video Series

"To Study the Self" is a 6 Volume series of Genpo Roshi's Big Mind Zen teachings filmed from 2004-2008 and contains over 35 hours of video. It has only been available on DVD until now. 

Volume 1 Big Mind Big Heart Revealed 

Volume 2 The Path of the Human Being

Volume 3 Awakened by the 10,000 Dharmas

Volume 4 From Student to Master

Volume 5 Masculine & Feminine Energies

Volume 6 The Teachings of Bodhidharma

Interviews with Genpo Roshi

Multiple Interviews of Genpo Roshi over the years.

Featured Interviewers are:

Iain McNay

Kelly Carlin

Peter Marshall

Tom Amarque

Janean Strong

Michael Neill

Hale Dwoskin

Special Collections

Genpo Roshi "How I Teach Sitting Meditation Now" (2021)

Zen Talks on Koans by Multiple Teachers

Introduction to Zen by Multiple Teachers

ZCLA 40th Anniversary Maezumi Roshi Tribute

1986 Genpo Roshi Fukanzazengi Series

1989 Genpo Roshi on Chogyam Trungpa's Books

1990's Questions and Answers

2004 Ameland Great Sangha Gathering

2005 Ottmar Liebert 2 Benefit Concerts for Kanzeon

2005 The Eight Awarenesses

2005 The Path of the Human Being

2005 Ameland Great Sangha Gathering

2006 Ameland Great Sangha Gathering 

2007 Ameland Great Sangha Gathering

2007 Ameland "Life is Beautiful" Teacher Interviews

2007 Two Guided Meditations

2008 Jung Platform presents Genpo Roshi and Big Mind

2008 Big Mind Month Long Retreat

2010 Ameland Great Sangha Gathering

2010 Rohatsu Retreat SLC

2010 The Dusseldorf Workshop Sessions

2011 Spring Big Mind Conference

2015 Genpo Roshi in Germany: 2-Day Workshop

2017 Non-Zen Series with Genpo Roshi

2018 Identity of Relative & Absolute Retreat

2019 Avalokitesvara Retreat

2019 The Supreme Way Retreat

2020 Quarantine Your Self with Genpo Roshi

2020 Four Yana Program Year 1 Hinayana

2021 Mindfulness & Zen Workshop

2021 The Great Masters Workshop

2021 Big Mind & The Masters Workshop

2021-2022 One Year Program Year 1

2022-2023 One Year Program Year 2

2021 Four Yana Program Year 2 Buddhayana

2022 Four Yana Program Year 3 Mahayana

2022 What Does Zen Have to Offer Me? 

2022 The Eight Beliefs of Buddhism Workshop 

2022 Karma 3-Day Workshop

2022 Self Power and Other Power Workshop

2022 Ekyo Maezumi Memorial Services

2022 Buddhayana Sesshin

2022 Pauenhof Dharma Talks

2023 How to Share Big Mind Workshop

2023 May Mahayana Retreat in Salt Lake City

2023 The Mind Flower Blooms

2023-2024 The Gift of No Fear Retreats

2023 Roshi's Blog Post Videos

2024 The Great Masters Series -Lao Tzu - Huineng - Bankei

Tips for using the audio/video player.

Finding a talk: You will see that the talks are arranged as either Audio or Video by Year. Many of the talks have been grouped together in the box called Special Collections. The talks are sorted by date as Year/Month/Day. Example: 20070321 was recorded on March 21,2007. There are a series of control icons along the bottom that will allow you to start/stop, expand the video to full screen, adjust the volume, and with the settings button ( the "hexagon with a circle inside" icon) adjust the playback speed or turn on subtitles.

Search function: Each yearly or special collection has a search function for all the recordings in that specific collection.  The search tool is very powerful and actually searches the entire transcript of each audio and video file as well as the titles and dates. Experiment with the Search function and see what you find!

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