Genpo Roshi, born Dennis Paul Merzel in 1944, is an esteemed American Zen Buddhist Master. In 1973, he received the name Soten Genpo from the renowned Taizan Maezumi Roshi. He is celebrated for developing the Big Mind process, which merges Zen practice with Western psychological principles to foster personal transformation.
A true pioneer of Zen in the U.S, Europe and China his teachings have contributed significantly to the global dissemination of Zen Buddhism, creating a rich blend of traditional and contemporary insights. In 1980, after he received Dharma Transmission from Maezumi Roshi along with his Dharma brother Bernie Tetsugen Glassman Roshi, the three co-founded the White Plum Asanga, now a world wide Zen lineage. In 1996, he received Inka, the final seal of approval as a Zen Master, from Bernie Roshi.
Beginning in 1982, Genpo led retreats and workshops across Europe, inspiring a growing interest in Zen practice and establishing Zen communities known as the Kanzeon Sangha in countries like England, France, Poland, The Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, and Belgium.
Genpo Roshi's Big Mind process is a transformative approach that bridges the gap between Zen practice and the demands of leadership in today's fast-paced corporate world. This innovative method invites participants, whether seasoned Zen practitioners or CEOs of powerful companies, to explore and integrate various aspects of their consciousness, fostering a deep sense of self-awareness and clarity. His integration of Western psychological processes into traditional Zen has made the teachings more accessible to diverse audiences. Through guided dialogue, individuals engage with different "voices" within themselves—such as the self-critic, the protector, the controller, the wise self and the transcendent—allowing for a profound understanding of their motivations and challenges. This transforms Voice Dialogue to a truly spiritual path such as non dual paths.
This process not only cultivates mindfulness and emotional intelligence but also empowers leaders to make more compassionate and effective decisions, ultimately enhancing both personal well-being and organizational success. By embracing the Big Mind approach, practitioners can transcend ego-driven limitations, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation that resonates deeply in both spiritual and corporate realms.
Throughout his career, Roshi has authored several books and articles, enriching the dialogue between Zen and contemporary psychology. Despite his influence, his journey has faced challenges; in 2011, he admitted to sexual misconduct, prompting significant controversy and raising questions about accountability in spiritual communities.
In response, Roshi let go of his Zen Center (Salt Lake City) stepped back from much of teaching to engage in self-reflection and shadow work, while remaining a monk, a lineage holder and head of the Kanzeon Sangha. He sought guidance from Hal and Sidra Stone, pioneers of the Voice Dialogue technique, to explore the multiple facets of the self and address the impact of his actions on the Buddhist community.
The events of 2011 marked a pivotal turning point for him, highlighting the need for transparency and ethical conduct in Zen. Since then, he has dedicated himself to deepening his practice and integrating personal ethics with liberation, emphasizing appropriate action in each moment. Today, Roshi lives on the Big Island of Hawaii, where he teaches and holds retreats while leading a simple-Zen monk existence as well as part-time in Oregon with wife Jigen Sensei and their dog Kaya. He continues to teach students from around the world, sharing insights from his successes and failures. He remains passionate about the transformative power of Zen in a world fraught with division, delusion, fear and hatred.
Dharma Successors and Publications
Roshi has twenty-six Dharma heirs and has conferred the title of Zen Master Inka on twenty
teachers. He has offered Jukai to about 550 students and ordained more than 150 priests, with
his heirs teaching across Europe, China, and the U.S.
His notable publications include The Eye Never Sleeps, Beyond Sanity and Madness, 24/7 Dharma, and The Path of The Human Being, a novel entitled The Fool Who Thought He Was God. His book Big Mind/Big Heart: Finding Your Way has been translated into fourteen languages. His latest work, Spitting Out the Bones: A Zen Master’s 45-Year Journey was published in 2016.