Kensho Retreats with Genpo Roshi

Genpo Roshi

Kensho is a Japanese word translated as "Seeing one's true nature." It's an initial insight or awakening. It is to be followed by further training to deepen this insight, and learn to express it in daily life.

Genpo Roshi has designed these retreats specifically to work with students on this central and important experience of Zen. It's an opportunity that doesn't come along very often.

These 3-day or 5-Day retreats are limited to 5 students. Each student will work directly with Genpo Roshi and in the group each day from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM Hawaii Time (HST). Students are encouraged to do several hours of sitting meditation on their own each day leading up to and during this retreat.

These retreats are conducted via Zoom video conference. Participants will receive Zoom meeting details in the registration confirmation email. 

For more information please email Chet

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Click a link below for further information and to Register

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What People Say about the Kensho Retreats with Genpo Roshi

“The Kensho Retreat is a rare opportunity to work one on one with Genpo Roshi on places where our life/practice is stuck and to drop what holds us back.  The small group environment was very supportive as we all held space for each other to go deep in intensive exploration with Roshi.  I not only had personal openings with him, but also learned from his interactions with each participant. I felt that the prolonged unhurried nature of our personal encounters with Roshi over several days allowed for a depth of individual exploration even greater than in live in-person retreats.”

— K.B.

“Due to personal and health crises, it has become very painfully clear to me how precious the opportunity to practice with Genpo Roshi’s guidance is.  In retrospect, the decision to participate in the Kensho Retreat was the best investment I could ever make.  The small group and the intention to commit several days to go as far as possible, even for Kensho, created a framework of trust and expectation.

— J.R.

“It's Roshi's way to pick up the student exactly where he or she is right now.  In my case, he took the energy of my anger and impatience about my own practice and led me through great doubt to places I have never been before in my very long journey through various schools of Buddhism.  A new reality opened up, unknown and unimaginable.  The feeling of a fixed self has slipped away from me.  Now, I am at a point where everything feels light, interconnected, and yet independent.  It is a place of great freedom — alive, vibrant, without fear.  I finally can enjoy my life and my practice.”

— M.D,

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