Loss and Grief — and Zen

with Mark Kanchi Esterman Roshi

This is an opportunity to share and explore our experiences of loss and grief and their relation to our Zen practice. Rather than a course about an abstract or impersonal subject, it comes from my personal experience and the questions that have arisen from it — questions which I believe many if not all of us Zen practitioners have faced or are facing in our own lives. 

"These meetings offered a true sense of Sangha support. Kanchi Roshi opened a space for simply sharing and listening without agenda or hierarchy. I felt welcome, appreciated and well-supported. I hope we will repeat this inquiry into the teachings of loss and grief." — B.G.

"Deeply transformative and supporting to me during my own experience of loss." — D.M.

Classes meet for one hour on three consecutive Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time). This time avoids conflicts with Genpo Roshi's scheduled events and is manageable for people in both Europe and the Americas. 

Class size is limited to about a dozen people to facilitate full participation. If you would like to attend, please email Chet Cannon as soon as possible by clicking the link below. 

Want to Attend? Email Today 

Upcoming Loss and Grief — and Zen

Saturdays - March 1, 8 & 15, 2025

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Mountain Time)

 Donation: $260

With Early-Bird Discount: $160 (Before February 25, 2025)

Student and Member Discounts Apply!

Your donation goes to support Kanzeon Big Mind

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Please note the observance of Daylight Saving in the Americas will occur during this series (Daylight Savings begins March 9, 2025).

"Sharing this inevitable experience with others was invaluable for me. It felt like we were a family and each participant was my teacher." — M.M.

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