In our Lineage there are various empowerment ceremonies that students may go through during their practice. (An explanation of these ceremonial stages is shown below the database.) This list is a comprehensive record for each student of Genpo Roshi's who has received these empowerments. You can sort and adjust the width of the columns and also search for any record. When hovering your mouse over an individual's name, click on the little blue arrows to expand the record and see the details of that particular record. Please search for your own record and contact Bruce Lambson if you find any errors so that we can correct them here.

Genpo Roshi's Student Dharma Records

Dharma Ceremonies


Literally, "To Receive the Precepts". The student makes vows to uphold the Buddhist Precepts and to enter formal practice. The student sews a garment called a Rakusu which represents the Buddha's robe and symbolizes their commitment. On the back of the Rakusu the teacher will write the Verse of the Kesa, the student's Dharma name and the date of the ceremony. See Rakusu sewing instructions here.

Dharma Name

On the occasion of the student's receiving Jukai, the teacher performing the ceremony will confer a Dharma name on the student.  In our tradition this name (given in Japanese with English translation) reflects the teacher’s sense of the student’s unique qualities and the potential which they may aspire to fulfill through their practice.


If a student desires a closer teacher-student relationship they may ask to perform this one-on-one ceremony with the teacher. If the teacher agrees, they make a strong commitment to work together honestly and diligently.

Shukke Tokudo

Literally, "Leaving Home Ceremony," upon becoming a monk. The student renews their vows to uphold the Precepts and vows to support and protect the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. The student must sew their Buddha robe called the Kesa.


On the way to becoming a Zen Teacher, Hoshi is an acknowledgement of the student's renewed commitment to practice and to carrying on the lineage.


With the Shiho ceremony the student is confirmed and recognized as a Successor in the teacher's lineage and a Zen Teacher in his or her own right. It takes several days and includes a number of different steps and practices.


This small and intimate ceremony is the granting of final approval by the teacher. The teacher writes a poem acknowledging the students's awakening.  

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