Retreats Overview

Kanzeon Big Mind retreats are 2-7 day events. All are open to the public. They typically begin at 9:00 AM Hawaii Time (HST) to make them convenient for people in both North America and Europe. Each day features 2.5 hours or more worth of teaching and Big Mind work with Genpo Roshi. We run a number of these throughout the year and all are shown in the Upcoming Retreats list below.

2-Day Retreats are typically on weekends and are conducted On-Line via Zoom. There is no restriction on the number of participants. You can register online for a 2-Day Retreat by selecting the retreat you want from the list shown below.

Kensho Retreats are 5 days long, Monday through Friday, also on Zoom. Kensho Retreats are limited to 5 people. You can register online for a Kensho Retreat by selecting the retreat you want from the list shown below.

Big Heart Retreats are In-Person only on the Big Island of Hawaii. They include 5 days of teaching and Big Mind work with Genpo Roshi. Big Heart Retreats are limited to 7 people.  We use a beautiful house right on the beach at Manini Bay in the town of Captain Cook.  Participants have the option (on a first come, first serve basis) to stay in one of three private rooms with bath in the house or may choose to stay at a nearby hotel and commute daily to the retreat location. All meals are included for all participants and care is taken to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences.

Some of the events listed below are included as part of various Membership Plans. If your Membership plan includes a particular Event you will receive automatic email notifications and Zoom links and do not need to register here. If one is not in your Membership plan you can still attend by registering here.

If you have any questions about any of our retreats please contact Chet Cannon here.

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Upcoming Retreat Details, Pricing and Registration Links

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