Certified Big Mind Facilitators

In 1999, Genpo Roshi created the Big Mind process, which includes and embraces both Zen and Western psychotherapy. He continues to lead the innovation and evolution of the Big Mind process, offering it as a upaya or skillful means to those attending Big Mind/Big Heart Retreats, Big Mind Facilitator Training Retreats, workshops, and video and teleconferences.

In order to ensure the continuity and integrity of the Big Mind process, Roshi has selected the following students, all of whom have trained extensively and for many years, and who continue to train with him in both Zen and the Big Mind process, as Certified Big Mind Facilitators.

These individuals are authorized to use the Big Mind logo, and conduct Big Mind workshops for those within their professions and others. At this time only Roshi has the authority to train and certify Big Mind Facilitators.

Recommended Facilitators Having Continued Their Study of Big Mind with Genpo Roshi 

Mark Esterman Roshi leads the Salt Lake Zen Group in Salt Lake City, and has also taught courses on Zen and Meditation in the University of Utah’s Lifelong Learning program.   He began his study of Zen in 1969 with Japanese Zen Master Seikan Hasegawa, and moved to Utah in 2004 to study with Genpo Roshi from whom he received Shukke Tokudo ordination in 2004, Dharma Transmission as a successor and teacher of Zen in 2014, and Inka as an independent Zen Master in 2022.  He has a PhD in English and American Literature, and he and his wife run an independent publishing company which has published books in a variety of fields including education, music, art, children’s books and gardening as well as Buddhism.   They have three children and four grandchildren.  Contact Mark Esterman

Mary Ellen Sloan Roshi began studying with Roshi in 2001, received Shukke Tokudo in 2005, Shiho (Dharma transmission) September, 2017, and Inka June 2023. She has been Roshi’s assistant/attendant since February 2011, and is a full-time volunteer with Big Mind and Kanzeon. She leads a meditation group in Salt Lake City, uses the Big Mind process in working with individuals, and along with other of Roshi’s senior students has organized a Big Mind facilitation practice group in Salt Lake City. She is an attorney, and in 1975 began representing Native Americans and other low-income individuals. After joining the office of the Salt Lake County District Attorney in 1988, she was appointed Chief of the Tax and Revenue Unit, and the Assistant Division Administrator of the Civil Division, becoming the first woman to hold such positions. She lives in Salt Lake City and has one daughter. Contact Mary Ellen Sloan 

Christian von Wolkahof Sensei has been a student of Genpo Roshi since 1989. He received Shukke Tokudo ordination in 2007 and Dharma Transmission (Shiho) as a successor in 2018. As co-founder of Kanzeon Sangha Germany in 1996 and the Kanzeon Zen Center Düsseldorf in 2001, he managed the center until the end of 2007 together with his then-wife Marci Forand. From 2008 until 2012 the family lived with their children Carl and Toni at the Kanzeon Zen Center International in Salt Lake City.  Chris is particularly interested in translating the ancient principles of Zen into modern language, western lifestyle and northern climate. He feels that his most valuable asset as a teacher is the Big Mind Process.  He lives in Düsseldorf, Germany, where he works in the state government and teaches Zen at Kanzeon Sangha Germany.  Contact Christian von Wolkahof.

Dr. Kamie Buddemeier has been a student of Genpo Roshi since 2006, studying both Big Mind and Zen, and receiving Shukke Tokudo ordination in 2008. She is a physician who lives in Wisconsin and works as an Interventional Cardiologist. She initially sought out training in Big Mind as an adjunct to patient care and healing, and quickly realized the breadth and scope of the Big Mind process and the need to be also trained in Zen to be a most effective facilitator. She has used Big Mind with patients and also general community groups in both Wisconsin and Chicago. Contact Kamilla Buddemeier

Dr. Paul Thielking is board certified in Psychiatry and Palliative Medicine. He works at the Huntsman Cancer Hospital with patients who are experiencing physical, emotional, and spiritual distress related to serious medical illness. Dr. Thielking has been studying Zen and Big Mind with Roshi since 1999, and received Shukke Tokudo in 2005.  He integrates the Big Mind process into his work with patients, and also in self-care workshops he leads for health care professionals.  He and his wife have two sons and live in Salt Lake City. Contact Paul Thielking 

Joe Hakim began studying the Big Mind process with Genpo Roshi in 2008. He has been a devoted practitioner of the Big Mind process ever since, and has been facilitating groups and individuals for the past 5 years. His spiritual practice began in his early 20’s studying meditation with Kundalini Yoga master June Burke.   Joe is an accomplished electrical engineer working at Apple and has lived in the Bay Area of Northern California for the past 30 years. Contact Joe Hakim

John Quigley began studying with Genpo Roshi in 2009 and received Shukke Tokudo ordination in May 2018. He began Zen study and a sitting practice in 1974 and has a great appreciation for the beauty, simplicity and efficacy of the Big Mind process. Professionally, he is an engineer and entrepreneur. As an engineering executive he crafts and manages high performance teams developing technologies and products that change the way we live, work and play. As an entrepreneur, along with his two sons he recently founded Qmon Adventures Ltd as both a sailing charter business and a platform for Big Mind and Team Building workshops. John lives in the San Francisco Bay area and travels extensively to stay in touch with his development teams in in California, Europe, India and China. Contact John Quigley

Philip Oude-Vrielink is deeply appreciative of Genpo Roshi and has been studying with him since 2007. He is also a trained yoga teacher and wellness instructor, having taught from 1999 to 2007. A biomedical and communication engineer in the aerospace industry by background, he has been specializing in change, coaching, organizational culture and leadership development for over 20 years. He is the author of two books, Strategically Relevant Culture and Life on Purpose. He has been sharing Big Mind with individuals and groups across Australia and New Zealand since 2008. He lives in Melbourne, Australia. Contact Philip Oudevrielink

Charlotte Juul is a Certified Psychosynthesis Counselor, and Somatic Experience Practitioner (SEP). She began a dedicated spiritual practice in 1998 and met Genpo Roshi in 2008, receiving Shukke Tokudo in 2018. She received a Bachelor’s degree from the Psychosynthesis Trust, University of East London (UK), and a Master’s in Contemplative Psychotherapy & Buddhist Psychology at Naropa University, Boulder Colorado. Through her company, Core Work (corework.dk), she offers spiritual psychotherapy, meditation coaching, Big Mind and a variety of workshops. Contact Charlotte Juul

Rob Velek began studying Big Mind and Zen with Genpo Roshi in 2008, and received Shukke Tokudo 2009.  His athletic accomplishments include a second-degree black belt in Brazilian jujitsu, and  a career as an MMA competitor that was cut short by illness in 2008. An entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist, he is passionately interested in modern technological advances, artificial intelligence and their integration with body, health and wellness.  He and his wife and their five children live in Vancouver, B.C.  Contact Rob Velek

Fiona Hayes Vincent is an Integral Master Coach who lives in West Cork on the Island of Ireland and first came across Big Mind in 2006. Recognising what a powerful transformative practice it is and what a useful tool for her coaching and consulting practice, she started studying with Genpo Roshi in 2014 and has been using Big Mind in Leadership Development Programmes. She believes passionately that to lead well one has to first work on the self and on one’s ability to achieve equanimity; and that Zen and Big Mind work perfectly towards this. Contact Fiona Hayes

Micheline Marcoux began studying Zen and the Big Mind process with Genpo Roshi in 2009. She was amazed at how such a beautiful, simple and powerful process allows us to shift perspective, realize our true nature and appreciate and empower every aspect of the self. She has been using it since then. Micheline started her sitting practice in 2003, holds a master’s degree in speech therapy, and has worked in counseling, education and human resources. She is now an artist painter and a consultant offering trainings and workshops to individuals and groups to support them in realizing and actualizing their full potential. Fluent in French, English and Spanish. she lives in Montreal, Canada, with her two sons. Contact Micheline Marcoux

Denis Criado began studying Big Mind and Zen with Genpo Roshi in 2009, and received Shukke Tokudo in 2016. Trained in yoga and in psychotherapy in the EE.UU. and in India, his work focuses on body psychology. For the past 7 years he has been offering Big Mind process facilitation along with body-based meditations, mindfulness and somatic practices drawn from yoga tradition to yoga teachers, professional athletes, business leaders and their teams, and psychologists. He has a PhD in Consciousness Studies from CIIS (San Francisco), with Ken Wilber as one of his advisors, and an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from ITP (California). He graduated from Cambridge University, England, in Theology and Philosophy. Denis lives with his family in Madrid and London. Contact Denis Criado

Kenjin LaoTsu Guo Roshi was born and raised in China, and came alone to the U.S. when he was 15 as a high school exchange student in New York City.  He received his B.A. in Philosophy from the University of California, Berkeley, where he studied Confucianism with Prof. Kwong-Loi Shun.  Kenjin met his Buddhist teacher Samvara at age 23.  In 2018, on the snows of Mt. Shasta, he was ordained a Buddhist monk and initiated into a school of esoteric Buddhism.  After a series of spiritual breakthroughs, he was given the Dharma name "Kenjin" (person of wisdom) with the instruction and transmission to share the Dharma.  In 2020, he met Genpo Roshi and became a certified facilitator of the Big Mind process.  He received Inka (final seal of approval) from Genpo Roshi on March 19, 2022.  He currently lives and works in San Francisco Bay Area.  An accomplished martial artist, calligrapher, contractor and businessman, his primary interest is assisting spiritual practitioners to establish right livelihoods and stay strong and balanced in the world.  Contact Kenjin Guo

Completed 18 days of Big Mind Facilitator Training

This listing is an acknowledgement of completion by these practitioners of the initial 18 days of training in the use of the Big Mind Process with Genpo Roshi, its founder and creator, and that they are committed to remain aligned with Roshi through continued training. Some of them have also studied extensively with him, engaged in years of Zen study as well as Big Mind Big Heart retreats, and continued to demonstrate a commitment to the ongoing evolution of the Big Mind Big Heart Process.

In working with groups or individuals, these practitioners agree to observe the following conditions:

  1. That Genpo Roshi be acknowledged as the creator of the process and they state in promotional materials or text describing the event that they are “using the Big Mind process created and developed by Genpo Roshi.”
  2. That they use the Big Mind process only within their profession or work rather than offering Big Mind workshops; and that the title of the event is something other than a Big Mind event.
  3. And, only Roshi may train Big Mind Facilitators.

For those interested in studying and learning more about themselves through the use of Big Mind, we recommend Roshi’s personal live teachings and the volumes of DVDs, which can be found under the Store tab on this website, as well as other teachings on this site.

This listing of practitioners is not an endorsement or accreditation.  (Practitioners who have been accredited by Genpo Roshi as Certified Big Mind Facilitators are marked with an asterisk * below, and listed above.  Big Mind, Inc., cannot make assurances that the qualifications or services of any individual would be suitable for the needs of a particular individual. Users of this directory understand and agree that Big Mind, Inc., is neither liable nor responsible for any actions of those using or choosing to list in this directory.

Melissa Armstrong Hastings Highlands, Canada Student since 2020         Contact Melissa Armstrong

Maria Lena Dabrowski Vienna, Austria Student since: 2012 Contact Maria Lena Dabrowski

Achim Feige Vienna, Austria/Germany Student since: 2011 Contact Achim Feige

Blane Friest New York City, New York Student since: 2010 Contact Blane Friest

Bruce Gardiner Hillsdale, New York Student since: 2007 Contact Bruce Gardiner

Birgitte Gorm Hansen Copenhagen, Denmark Studying since: 2013 Contact Birgitte Gorm Hansen 

Santiago Jimenez Bogota, Colombia          Student since: 2010 Contact Santiago Jimenez

Asger Freltoft Knudsen Copenhagen, Denmark          Student since: 2014 Contact Asger Knudsen

Dan Landgré Lund,  Sweden Student since: 2004 Contact Dan Landgré

Herly Llerena Lima, Peru Student since: 2014 Contact Herly Llerena

David Meggyesy Nordland, Washington Student since: 2008 Contact David Meggyesy

Peter Neuhaus Bern, Switzerland Student since: 2017 Contact Peter Neuhaus

Rod Saunders Reno/Las Vegas, Nevada Student since: 2004 Contact Rod Saunders

Mark de L. Thompson Austin, Texas Student since: 2006 Contact Mark de L. Thompson

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