Introduction to Zen with Genpo Roshi - Click Any Link to Register for the Whole Series

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Taking a New Path in Life

Getting started with a Zen practice is one of the most beneficial things a person can do to begin straightening out their life. Zen addresses the big questions and the small ones, too.

Realization of the basic principles of the Buddhist world view, and putting them to work through a regular meditation practice, leads to a more skillful way of dealing with day-to-day life with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and the world at large. The Zen practitioner moves through life's ups and downs smoothly with Equanimity, Wisdom and Compassion in balance.

For the person new to Zen, learning Buddhist principles and practices can seem like a mysteriously shrouded wilderness. We're presented with 2,500 years of Buddhist history, culture and literature, filled with foreign words, unfamiliar concepts, and Eastern style ceremonies and dress. It might not seem like it's really suited to the stresses and strains of modern western life and culture.

And yet, it is! Once the veneer of Eastern culture is peeled away, the core teachings and practices of Buddhism are seen to be completely relevant and helpful. We teach Westerners in a Western way.

We're here to help you begin to bring the tried and true lessons of Zen Buddhism into your life and let it flower, so that you can lead your life in a new and less stressful way without Fear and Anxiety. Yes, it takes a little effort and commitment but what good thing doesn't?

About Introduction to Zen Courses

Our Introduction to Zen Courses are taught by Zen Master Genpo Roshi. He has 50 years of Zen teaching experience. They are taught in plain English with a minimum of Zen Buddhist jargon. Common Zen terms that do come up, like Dharma, Karma, Sangha, and others are explained thoroughly.

The classes begin with basic discussion of Zen principles and practices, and Genpo Roshi will connect the dots for you about how these things apply in ordinary day to day life. The goal is to establish a familiarity with the practical elements of Zen that will help you navigate the busy, complicated, and sometimes confusing life in the West.

We will also recommend reading materials, and refer you to videos in our Media Archive that you can study on your own between classes.

Conducted via Zoom Video Conference, the courses are run as a series of 4 consecutive classes held on Saturdays from 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (US Mountain Time). When you register you will be sent your Zoom links and other notifications automatically each week.

Introduction to Zen Courses are open to the public and are offered as a series of 4 classes for a tuition of $200.

Introduction to Zen Courses are included in all our Membership Levels. Members do not have to register here and will be sent all Zoom links and notifications automatically.

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