Rohatsu Retreat

Led by Mary Ellen Seien Roshi, Lynn Shozen Roshi,

Charlotte Jigen Sensei along with Mark Kanchi Roshi 

with a Live Zoom Dharma Talk by Genpo Roshi

on December 8th, Buddha's Enlightenment Day

The history of Rohatsu is that Buddha sat under the Bodhi Tree from December 1st until December 8th and glancing up at the morning planet Venus he had a profound and complete enlightenment, realizing the one Unborn Buddha Mind that we all inherently possess from birth. 

Seien Roshi, Shozen Roshi, Jigen Sensei along with Kanchi Roshi invite you to Rohatsu Retreat in Salt Lake City in person and virtually. We will be hosting this as a fundraising event for Kanzeon with donations going to Kanzeon Inc. We are asking for Dana, our goal is to raise $20,000 to support the Kanzeon organization. Dana is based on our financial ability to donate and the value we place on receiving the teaching. It is also an expression of our appreciation and gratitude for the many years of teaching by Genpo Roshi. For information please contact Chet CannonWe appreciate your generosity.

The four of us very much look forward to sitting and being together with you in person or virtually, and sharing this powerful week celebrating Buddha’s enlightenment.

We will be joined on December 8th (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) by Genpo Roshi on zoom from the Big Island of Hawaii.

The program includes:

  • ·      Sitting, service, and walking meditation 
  • ·      Opportunity for private interview (dokusan/daisan) in-person and virtual with teachers
  • ·      Buddha's Enlightenment Day Live Zoom Talk with Genpo Roshi 

Updated Schedule

December 3 – December 8

December 2

Check-in and retreat orientation at 4 pm (for in-person attendees).

Location: William F. Beer Estate, 181 B Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S. National Register of Historic Places.

In-Person and on Zoom

Full time includes daily breakfast. (accommodations, lunches and dinner on your own)

Part-time attendance available.

Open to 20 in-person attendees, unlimited virtual attendance. 

Registration and payment deadline by November 20. 

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