End of the Year Retreat

5-Day Virtual Retreat with Genpo Roshi

Genpo Roshi

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End the year with a special Big Heart Virtual Retreat with Genpo Roshi

Friday, December 27 - Tuesday, December 31

8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Hawaii Time

For many people, Big Heart Retreats have proven to be the most amazing experience of their lives. Participants have claimed that by lunchtime the first day they have gotten more than the value of their donation. 

Big Heart Retreats have replaced what used to be called the ‘5-5-50's’, attended by five people for five days with Roshi, five hours of teaching a day, for a $50,000 Dana (donation).  These Retreats are the principal means of raising funds to support the Kanzeon Sangha and its work to awaken the planet. We don’t do any other fund-raising.  

This Big Heart Virtual Retreat is limited to a maximum of seven participants who wish to go deeper into their practice than they have ever been.

Don’t miss this remarkable opportunity!

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